Anti-corrosion coating material for metal pipes, good product but cheap price, is it true to rumors???

Anti-corrosion coating material for metal pipes, good product but cheap price, is it true to rumors???

♦ Currently, in addition to branded, quality materials, there are still potential fake, imitation, poor quality materials of unknown origin….
♦ These types of materials are often cheap, misleading consumers. It greatly affects the quality of construction works, projects, factories, buildings… & reduces the reputation of contractors.
Minh Phuc Company – the representative of NSX Premier Coatings in Vietnam would like to introduce to customers a system of anti-corrosion pipe coating materials from the UK.
Materials meet ISO 9001, ISO 14001 . standards
Full quality certificate & certificate of origin from UK
√ Over 140 years of providing anti-corrosion coating materials for petrochemical projects, large and small projects around the world
√ Protection of metal piping systems over 30 years

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